You're young and probably don't remember, but our Republican party used to champion the most vulnerable within public schools. Dr. Finch is an ultra-conservative Republican. More importantly, he bows the knee to Christ. I financially supported Dr. Pack's campaign, because I thought she would be an excellent representative to serve- and still do. (And gathered signatures for Kopas/Roberts AND I continue to support Mrs Simacek because she's a class-act, respectful woman who happens to be a democrat, as well as others). I did NOT support Fisher or Hawkins.

This article is a page right out of Fisher's playbook. It doesn't even read like you Ms Benson. At least have the self-respect to speak for yourself versus parroting a very "polarizing" individual. It's a sad stab by Fisher towards Mr. Carver because of deep-seated jealousy within our party and you're allowing yourself to be used. Something as easy as taking turns at the opportunity to be an elected officer has turned into WW3 political jockeying. Jennie Paperman was not equipped to serve as President. And this is coming from someone who voted for her, ecstatic she's out from underneath Fisher's oppression, and has found her passion loving on the military. *Edited

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Since you don't know me, your comment reads like comedy. You are welcome to subscribe and go back and read everything I have written here. This way you can teach yourself about who I am and why I fight for children against corruption. I am not impressed when other people state how Christian they are. Jesus said we will know false prophets by their fruit. Your fruit is showing in all the chats on social media, Mrs. Finch.

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I've heard that repeated. By the same republican women who claimed I made a fake profile and attacked their children, looked up their files, was the subject of crass sexual talk, that I had an expunged (?) federal inmate charge & was a prisoner, that my husband was a criminal with a record and let me see what else am I missing? Oh yes, and that Dr. Finch had been fired and came to AZ to pull the same stunts. This was over the period of two days. lol.

Now, as a believer in Jesus Christ- the Bible states (not Angie Finch, the BIBLE, the word of GOD) in Proverbs 6:16-19

here are six things the Lord hates,

seven that are detestable to him:

17 haughty eyes,

a lying tongue,

hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked schemes,

feet that are quick to rush into evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies

and a person who stirs up conflict in the community.

As someone who is FOR CHILDREN and fights against corruption. Along with the same Republicans who state let's make America, Christian again. YOU tell me where the vile and corruption lays. Don't lay it at the feet of godly men who are serving Jesus and children because you are consumed with hate towards our "worthless public schools". It's UNGODLY. You've lost your perspective. And our party is losing voters.

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*This comment is directed towards Tiffany Hawkins former DVUSD school board candidate that within the last hour accused me of lying (again) on LD sites with her superior deductive "fact-finding" powers in response to my original comment above.

Mrs. Hawkins could not be bothered to ask Dr. Pack if she received a hand-written note delivered to her home, which contained words of encouragement, X amount of dollars (I know exactly how much and how many- as will Dr. Pack), and nod to use towards signs or how she saw fit to campaign. The note was an anonymous fan.

That's all I am going to say about the matter, except that again- I thank the Lord Jesus he stayed His Hand and did not allow such character as Tiffany Hawkins to sit on the board along with Kim Fisher. I do not lie.

Dr. Pack is NOT a lick like these two women. Not ONE iota.

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